Monday, 19 May 2014

Top 20 Facts about China

An Overview of China
  1. Official currency of China is the Yuan Renminbi (Fixed exchange rate)
  2. it is the eighth most traded currency in the world 
  3. China is ruled by the Peoples Party of China (Communist)
  4. Capital city - Beijing
  5. Biggest city - Shanghai
  6. Population: 1.35 billion (UN, 2012)
  7. Life expectancy: 72 years (men), 76 years (women) (UN)
  8. China's workforce is 10x bigger than the UK population
  9. 90% of the software in China is Pirated
  10. 48% of new foreign businesses entering China fail within 2 years
  11. China GDP = $8.2 trillion       US = $15.6 trillion             UK = $2 trillion
  12. China GDP per Capita = $6k      UK = $39k        US =  $51k
  13. China GDP growth rate (1st Quarter 2014) = 7.7%    UK = 0.8%       US = 2.6%
  14. $15 trillion of the $30 trillion of world debt is held by China
  15. China attracted a record $117.6 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2013
  16. 80% of artificial Xmas trees are made in China
  17. China has more pigs than the 43 top pork producers in the world
  18. Apple make 43% on products produced in China
  19. Guangdong province in China houses approx 60,000 factories with a total output bigger than the GDP of the Netherland
  20. One in six of the worlds poor are Chinese (approx 100m people)

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